The commonly used chemical based products used in over the counter and veterinary prescribed flea and tick collars or spray and even topical drops deterrents have been found to cause breathing problems, tremors, vomiting, skin irritations, permanent nerve damage and in some cases, even death. Some animals will experience hair loss and sores around the neck from flea collars or where the topical drops have been applied, plus the chemical fumes given off by these products can negatively affect you and your family as well.*** There is research being done about the long-term effects on body organs like the liver after use of these chemicals month after month over many years.

Did you know that your dog’s liver and kidneys CAN BE adversely affected by the use of commercial flea products such as Frontline and Advantage, chemical de-wormers and even heartworm drugs? The toxic chemicals in these products, often result in renal failure (kidney failure)and/or **liver damage** to the point of the liver no longer being able to filter the blood and then, complete liver failure. Contaminated blood circulating throughout the body day after day will most definitely contribute to other more complicated health issues, such as diabetes and arthritis to name two of the most common long term side effects of using these toxic chemicals.
These toxic drugs can also cause severe skin rashes, loss of hair, epileptic seizures, brain damage. The list of adverse side effects amazingly goes on and on. Still people continue to use these drugs because they don’t know there is a better, simpler, less expensive, safer way.
There really is a safe effective alternative for your dog!
You can do it without chemicals!

Protection for the animal

The presence of fleas (and/or any parasite) should be viewed as an indicator of an animal’s overall, general health. Yes, you read that right … Parasites in general, and fleas in particular, are most attracted to the weak, unhealthy, or very young animal whose immune system is not functioning properly. The long-term solution to a flea problem is quite simply to reduce your pet’s susceptibility to fleas by improving his/her health.
Let’s take a holistic approach here and begin with the foundation and cornerstone of good health.

Species Specific Nutrition

Good, proper nutrition from foods appropriate for the species can actually prevent disease by providing the proper nutrients to keep the immune system balanced and functioning at optimal levels.
The food you feed your pets should provide all of the nutritional components which are necessary for all organs and systems of a healthy body to perform in harmonious unison. In terms of finding the proper diet for our companions, this means learning to look beyond our own needs, opinions, and agendas to address the natural needs of the animals that we are responsible for by feeding and raising them according their species and nature. Dogs (and cats) are carnivores and need to be fed accordingly for optimal health. The food should be gluten free, contain probiotics, and essential fatty acids essential for health skin/coat/heart/liver. We feed Life’s Abundance Dog Food

Remember, flea problems do not stem from the presence of fleas, but from health-related and environmental circumstances which enable fleas to thrive and reproduce. They are opportunists, preying on the weak and unhealthy whose immune system is not balanced and functioning at full capacity. Dry flaky skin, constant shedding, scratching, and chewing on itself reveal a general susceptibility in the animal’s immune system which in turn, provides the perfect environment for parasites.
A great weapon in the battle with fleas is the Flea Comb. Removing and killing the adults (by drowning them in soapy water) can prevent a lot of future fleas from being hatched. However, flea combing is best done on dogs with short hair and not a lot of undercoat.
For repelling fleas and ticks, we recommend natural essential oils. Oils can also help soothe and heal irritated skin while boosting the immune system, strengthening the coat (no shedding!), and the skin, and healing any current lesions or hot spots.
For killing fleas and or ticks in your YARD, I recommend DE (diatomaceous earth) or Only Natural Pet All-in-One Flea Remedy made from diatomaceous earth and herbs that is safe for use on dogs and cats, as well as around the home.


Some of the benefits of the ingredients in our natural essential oil Flea & Tick Blend:
**A sweet-smelling, all-purpose insect repellent, lavender essential oil performed well in recent studies as both a tick deterrent and a method of preventing tick eggs from hatching. Additionally, Ohio State University recommends it for controlling fleas. A 2007 South African study found that formulas containing diluted lavender at rates of 10 to 20 percent lavender performed well as tick repellents when compared to artificial DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) sprays.
Repels insects such as mosquitoes, black flies, fleas, and ticks, therefore, preventing bites. It is an all-natural, non-toxic alternative to chemical insect repellents such as DEET, therefore, is usually the preferred choice.
Our oil blend provides a pheromone interruption agent that impairs the insects’ mental capacity and repels them.
Our oil blend repels spiders and even mice!
Our blend is also known for its anti-bacterial properties it is a great natural pest deterrent as well.

Please use ONLY therapeutic-grade essential oils.  I don’t know of any other essential oils that are as pure and consistent as the oils we use. They are cell-permeable, and every single batch is checked for purity and effectiveness.
Essential oil formulations will need to be applied more frequently than synthetic pesticides, but the benefits far outweigh the exposure to harsh chemical smells and toxic side effects. They are great for misting your dog’s legs (and your own) any time that you go out where fleas would be likely to be found.

For more information on ordering our own blend for flea and tick blend click here!

Photo credit: ID 158852783 | Dog © Anton Maltsev |

Comments (1)

  1. I moved to Fla. in Aug. We use Trifexus for flea and worms and it worked great up there. We’ve noticed our beagle is scatching more and biting. Are fleas tougher here than up north or what?

    March 29, 2017 Reply

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