So here is the “scoop” – with essential oils and internal parasites.   

We won’t talk about every single parasite in this article, but let’s talk about the most important: roundworms, hookworms, bots, tapeworms, whipworms, etc. Roundworms and tapeworms are the easiest to see with the naked eye. They can be contracted in different ways, and so it is important to know where your prevention needs to be focused.  With Tapeworms – which are also visible to the naked eye, can be contracted if fleas are ingested, and also if your pet has a habit of “eating little critters.” We can significantly enhance how much exposure our animals have to infection or a re-infestation by knowing where the worms are contracted, and how to avoid it. An excellent preventative for tapeworm when it comes to fleas is our Flea & Tick Blend:

Click Here to order Olia for pets Flea & Tick Blend


Preventing the eating of small critters is hard if you have a hunting dog, so be vigilant and often check for tapeworm. And let’s not forget, some of the most deadly parasites of all–the bacterial type. It can be in the form of giardia (often found in standing water—drinking puddles!), coccidia (carried by rodents), and campylobacter (can be carried by chickens).

Many ask me, “What can I do for worms with essential oils?” The answer does not vary that greatly, but it may be depending on if you are looking to eliminate an active infestation or if you are looking to prevent one.  My answer would be the same for both. Not only do I recommend people use our Digestion Blend daily to treat and prevent parasites, but I also recommend simple, safe things like Diatomaceous Earth, you can sprinkle it on your pets’ food!

Click Here to order our Flea & Tick Bundle with Diatomaceous Earth

Bentonite Clay can be very safe and beneficial as well but isn’t quite as palatable as the Digestion Blend or Diatomaceous Earth. It’s essential to drop off a stool sample, periodically, to your vet to be sure your pet is free of parasites. It only costs a few bucks and just reassures you that you are doing what you need to do. If it comes back with some parasites, you may need to increase your dosage of the Digestion Blend or the Diatomaceous Earth to take care of it.

Now, I have had some people who go above and beyond the scope of routine monitoring!  I happen to be very lucky to have two veterinarian technicians on my kennel staff, so I have been able to see, firsthand, how effective essential oils are on my puppies and dogs. Most dogs respond wonderfully to this daily dose of essential oils.

These are perfect examples of when to use essential oils, in my opinion. If you start with a dog who has never had parasites, or only a minimal amount, using essential oils (or other natural methods) to maintain and prevent health, in terms of parasites, is a good plan. This is where essential oils shine! But I will say this…if you rescue a dog or acquire a dog you suspect is infested with parasites, is lethargic, or not eating SEE A VET. They will give a dose of prescription meds to get this under control. Puppies and dogs can go down fast if they are infested and proper, quick action is not taken. Then, after you get a “negative” fecal float from your vet, you can safely progress to a preventative program with the Diamateous Earth and Digestion Blend. In the case of felines, they can be sensitive to essential oils, and at this point, I do not recommend essential oils for preventing or treating cats for parasites. I would see a vet.

You will never see me say oils are the answer to everything. There are many cases where the need for a veterinarian is imperative, and I will always advise a client when I feel this is in order. Even when I want to treat my pet holistically, I first get a diagnosis from a vet. Then, if surgery or aggressive treatment is not necessary, and it is not a life-threatening situation, I proceed with my holistic treatment.



*** I only recommend the use of what I refer to as “veterinary grade essential oils” for use with animals (or humans for that matter), developed with Holistic Veterinarians to be safe and species-appropriate.


Comments (2)

  1. Do you have a suggestion for cleaning the floors with EOs if a dog has an accident and you find out they have Whipworm?

    May 16, 2017 Reply
    1. I would treat for whipworm with whatever your vet recommends, or you can use our Diatomaceous Earth. 1/2 tbsp a day on food. Clean floor with bleach or ammonia.

      May 18, 2017 Reply

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