Are you wondering how to prevent and treat ear infections holistically?
For me, it started 20 years ago with a sweet little Beagle named “Tina.” She had those long, cute, floppy, velvety soft ears. But along with that came the constant:
*shaking of her head
*digging at her ears
*me cleaning them, her crying as I did
*red inflammation
*crusty pieces of ear wax on my floors—yuck! I was like, “Does Shreck live here???”
I tried EVERYTHING…the ear cleaner from the vet clinic (which she ran away and hid from every time I pulled it out of the cabinet). Then the Rx ear drops worked for a couple of months, but in time she grew immune to it, and back we went. Only now, the antibiotics and steroids had caused more candida yeast overgrowth, and we were back to square one. I’m sorry to say that back then, I didn’t know what I know now, and poor Tina suffered. I felt horrible for her, and she ended up getting a thickening of the ear canal, which attributed to deafness.

Sometimes, if ear infections go on too long, a thickening of the ear will occur, and deafness will follow!
Fast forward 20 years, and I have labs now. They are lop-eared dogs and prone to yeast ear infections. I did the same thing as I did with Tina, then discovered an essential oil that may help. I went to the local chain pharmacy and bought a bottle. I used it regularly, but still, the ear wax, smell, and inflammation were there. I was left asking myself, how can I prevent and treat ear infections holistically?
Finally, I discovered there was a difference between the drug store brand essential oils (basically, the leftover oil after the therapeutic oil is removed with cold distillation) and grade A therapeutic essential oils. When I tried the therapeutic, clinical-grade oil, no only did the ear infections go away, they never came back! I’d keep picking up their ears and peeking in and doing the ‘sniff test,’ just to be sure. If I saw a little “head shake,” I’d put a few drops in just as a preventative. No more yeasty/itchy ears! Remember, ear issues can be caused by bacteria (such as yeast), fungus, parasites, or viruses. Our Ear Blend covers ALL of these! I can’t imagine going back to the horrible fight with my dogs’ ears. I ‘m so happy I don’t have to watch them suffer or fear deafness, and that I learned how to prevent and treat ear infections holistically!
Click here to purchase our proprietary Ear Blend!
-Formulator, Founder, Donna Stanley
***Our Ear Blend is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, and anti-inflammatory!***
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What is the oil blend for ear infections?
Yes, our Ear Blend. Go to and click on what species your pet is, and you will see it there.
Hi! I love your blog and YouTube videos. We have a 5 month old lab (first lab). Is it to soon to start with essential oils? Specially the ones for the ears and the one that “helps” with shedding.
Thank you!
Nina Wilcox