Natural Anti-fungal Baths and Rinses
For skin yeast infections, I recommend a natural anti-fungal shampoo like our All Natural Pet Shampoo. I have formulated a blend that includes several essential oils targeted specifically at yeast, bacteria, and are anti-inflammatory, as well as anti-parasitic. You can bathe your dog as often as necessary, but once a week at a minimum if you have inflammation going on. Since grains and carbs feed yeast, I don’t recommend using oatmeal-based shampoos for pets with allergies or yeast infections.
I realize baths can be an annoying, and a frustrating thing to deal with for both you and your pet. They take time, but they are actually a cheap and very effective way to manage yeast and keep your pet feeling comfortable. It’s also a safe non-toxic treatment compared to the anti-fungal drugs that conventional veterinarians typically prescribe.
I also like anti-fungal rinses and sprays in between disinfecting baths. Add our Allergy Formula after the bath for extra, extended protection and faster healing, as well as prevention.
After shampooing your dog and rinsing thoroughly, follow up with the Allergy Formula to knock down the amount of yeast remaining on the skin. Spray the solution over your dog’s collar, from her neck to the base of her tail, making sure not to apply it to her head. Rub it into her coat and skin, focusing on the areas where she is yeasty. Make sure that you get pay attention to the armpits, down around the feet, into the groin area (avoid genitals), and around the tail base. Don’t rinse the solution off — just rub it in and then allow to dry. Apply wherever the yeast is wrecking havoc on your pet.
You can also mist your dog’s itchy areas throughout the day, as needed, to help control itching and yeast overgrowth. If your dog does not like the “spray” action, apply to a cloth, and wipe areas. If yeasty ears, specifically, are are something your pup is combating, try treating with our Ear Formula.
If your dog only has yeast issues in the warmer months of the year, spring and summer are the times when you’ll need to be really focused and vigilant about disinfecting him and making sure his diet is not contributing to a yeast overgrowth problem.
It’s important to remember these suggestions aren’t magic. It will take some time on any all-natural protocol to see total improvement. But you WILL see immediate relief! If these easy, cheap solutions are effective at managing your dog’s chronic yeast issues.
Photo: ID 23908623 | Dog Bath © Mathayward |
Links in this article:
Endless Mt. Oil Blends for Pets: All Natural Pet Shampoo
Endless Mt. Oil Blends for Pets: Allergy Formula
Endless Mt. Oil Blends for Pets: Ear Formula
EML Health & Nutrition: Flint River Ranch Dog Food
EML Health & Nutrition: Exploring Raw Diet for Your Dog
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